Help Center
Advance order
Here at Car Care Bag, we strive to have satisfied customers. You can freely return an unused product within 30 days. Should complaints arise about your product, we will repair it or replace it with a new one.
Payment solutions
We accept payment via Vipps, Visa and PayPal. Should you wish to collect the bag from us at Midtunhaugen 10 in Bergen, you can also pay in cash.
Here at Car Care Bag, we strive to have satisfied customers. You can freely return an unused product within 30 days. Should complaints arise about your product, we will repair it or replace it with a new one.
We accept payment via Vipps, Visa and PayPal. Should you wish to collect the bag from us at Midtunhaugen 10 in Bergen, you can also pay in cash.
Mange lurer på hvor lange ski man kan ha i CarCareBag. Selve bagen er 110 cm (V1.0) 120 cm (V3.0) lang og Bredden er 25 cm (V1.0) 18 cm (V3.0) og høyden er 40 cm (V1.0) 21 cm (V3.0) Bagasjerommet på mange elbiler i dag er mellom 90 og 110 cm. Vil du være helt sikker så kan du ta et mål av bagasjerommet så kan du legge til 110 cm for V1.0 eller 120 cm for V3.0 så vet du nøyaktig hvor lange ski du får inn i bagen. CarCareBag er laget i vanntett stoff og har dobbelt stoff i bunnen. Sømmene er også sydd dobbelt slik at bagen skal tåle mye, men vi kan ikke garantere 100 % vanntetthet i sømmer. Sidelommene på bagen egner. seg like godt til drikkeflaske som mobiltelefonen.
Payment solutions
We at Car Care Bag are concerned with safety. Although we have made a ski bag for the car, this cannot be described as a safety product. We therefore disclaim any responsibility for what may happen in the event of a collision when using the Car Care Bag. All use is at your own risk. But should the accident happen, using the Car Care Bag will be a safer alternative than leaving the skis loose in the car.